
فعالية برنامج إرشادي جمعي مستند إلى التعلم الاجتماعي في مفهوم الذات ومركز الضبط لدى أعضاء المراكز الشبابية

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of counseling program based on life skills training upon self-concept and locus of control among members of youth centers. The study sample consisted of 40 youth centers members distributed on tow groups: experimental group (20 subjects) and control group (20 subjects). The experimental group received life skills training program، while the control group did not receive any treatment. The researchers used Arabic Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (consisting of 100 items) distributed on the following domains: moral self، family self، social self، physical self، personal self، behavioral self، self-satisfaction and realistic self. The researcher also used Locus of Control scale(Rotter) consisting of 29 pairs of statements. The training program consisted of 17 training sessions within a time period of tow and half months. The study results indicated clear effects of life skills based training program in developing self-concept and locus of control among youth centers receiving the training program

تنزيل الملف

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