
صـورة الآخـر في الإسـلام محـــمد عمــارة أنمـــوذجا

Our study will throw light , in an objective way and far from the logic of passion, on the question of the other in Islam .So , it belongs to the studies that are about peoples and their views about the other. This problem recently drew several researcher’s attention because of the current communauties complexity. We will try to answer to the following questions: -Ho w did Islam tackle the question of otherness? -Does Islam differ from the other religions in its relations with the other? -What are the foundations that underpin its perception of the other? In order to clarify this idea , we chose the Islamic thinker «Mohamed Emara» who deals with the question of the self and the other at different levels and various studies , in order to refute the widespread thesis in the West that consists in considering Islam as a religion marked by intolerance and the negation of the other.

تنزيل الملف

سيظهر تعليقك على هذه الصفحة بعد موافقة المشرف.
هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
الاسم و اللقب :
البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)