الجزائر - Enseignement Primaire

سورة الفاتحه للتواصل معنا : في تويتر https://mobile.twitter.com/mohlinguistique في الفايسبوك: https://m.facebook.com/mohamed.benserradj.9 في صفحة linkedin: https://dz.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-ben-serradj-534569119 في بانتيراست: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/amp/pin/654499758329179241 في بلوجر: https://livres2018.blogspo BVt.com/2019/06/ في قناتي: https://www.youtubecomchanneluc0vgcdomgkqro في دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني: https://www.nashiri.net/index.php/authors/279:mohamed-ben-serradj https://m.youtube.com/c/mohamedbenserradj في منصة اريد: https://portal.arid.my/23421/ApplicationUsers/GetProfile/0004-9527 benserradj mohamed benserradj mohamed A self-motivated and confident communicator who can maintain customer satisfaction and contribute to the success of the company or educational institution. Siraj Sons Village - Igil Ali Municipality mohamed benserradj.pdf wilaya bejaia Dear Sir, I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in any position available in your reputed organization. I believe that I can make a contribution to your organization through my past experiences in education, administration, leadership, and content writing and editing. My CV describes my education and experience in my experience and in the many other areas of the jobs I have held. I hold a BA in Business Law from Abd University Rahman Meera (Center for continuing training in Bejaia - Algeria). I hold a master's degree in Arabic language sciences at Abderrahmane Meera University (Bejaia) I have been a professor of Arabic for nearly seven years. And I have had a YouTube channel for about two years I also hold an Algerian and international driver's license. I currently have an Algerian residency visa. I am immediately available to join. Thank you for taking the time to read my CV. I will contact you to answer any questions you may have regarding my qualifications for any available position. , You can contact me via mohlinguistique@gmail.com welcome, benserradj mohamed

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