
دور جامعة تبوك في دراسة قضايا الشباب وتنميتهم

This study aims to trace the role of the University of Tabuk interest in studying the issues of youth, through the annual university funded research program, researches are presented by faculty members based on research areas announced at the beginning of each year, where Deanship of Scientific Research supervise the procedures of arbitration and fund follow ups. The project also aims to introduce the efforts of care from the University of Tabuk toward youth as one of the most influential and number of community groups, and to highlight their role in the interaction with the community issues and to provide reference data and documented information that help the university to achieve its community goals, it also aims to reveal youth-related topics that have been presented by researchers from the university faculty members, and to identify youth issues that have not been studied. This study seeks to achieve the objectives through: 1. Survey research funded by the university in the last five years. 2. Classification of research funded by the university based on study and research areas. 3. Determine the role of the university to take care of youth issues through fund research programs. Title of Project: The Role of the University of Tabuk in the Study of Youth Issues and Development

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