
دور الوقف الراهن في نشاطات التعليم بالجزائر

Waqf as an institution isconsidered to be the first civil institution in the history of humanity sinceitre presented a financial source as well as a way of investment in various domains, such as, economical, religious, social, cultural, and education alones. In the history of Islamic civilization, this institution was the most important source of union in the society in bothe conomical and social domains. It was having an active role in almost all the spheres. The transformation of civil institutions as mosques, libraries, and educational institutions in waqf had a great influence on the progression of sciences and contributed in preserving the real values of union in the islamiccivilization. In thispaper, wewill deal with the importance of waqf as an institution of financing and developing many domains in sciences and educational activities in the Algerian society.

تنزيل الملف

سيظهر تعليقك على هذه الصفحة بعد موافقة المشرف.
هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
الاسم و اللقب :
البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)