This study endeavors to identify therole of the media in the field of sport in general andsports journalism in particularin reducing the phenomenon ofHooliganismamongcommunity groups who are most affected by that. The problem ofthe study revolved aroundthe effectiveness of themediaand its tools to reduce this phenomenon, which has become one oftangible and widespread phenomenaincontemporarysportscommunities. The study usedthe descriptive approachas a comprehensive approachside by side with the field surveymethodin thefieldstudy framework. The results of the studyshowed that the sports journalism had no role, whatsoever, in reducing the phenomenon of Hooliganism. Theseresults showed that thesportsnewspapersand thesocial media are themost provoking and fueling of this phenomenonof Hooliganism. This resultconfirmed the negative roleof the mediarepresentedin thesetwo methods, whereas the studyshowed that thelack of awareness ofsports cultureas well as thewritings of some journalistsandmedia professionalsin the sportsnewspapers that results in violenceand intoleranceareamong the highest possibility offuelingthe phenomenon ofintoleranceamongsome of the studygroups.
تاريخ الإضافة : 16/03/2024
مضاف من طرف : einstein
صاحب المقال : - عبده محمد داؤود حافظ
المصدر : مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاعلامية والإتصالية Volume 3, Numéro 4, Pages 243-269 2015-11-11