
دعائم السياسة الزراعية الفرنسية في الجزائر 1830-1945

the Algerian economy before the occupation is based mainly on the duplication of the activity in grain and grazing , behind Interconnected correlation between the society and the earth . Which is make the cologne to decode this cohesion by enacting legislation and lows of real estate that was developed to strengthen the settlement system and when France realized that the future of it in Algeria is linked to one thing and that is the settlement without attachment to the land , it has became its main projects for ways to grab the land and singling out it under permanent logo (law) and then enable the capitalist system to find evolution , growth , under new circumstances and factors that created to prepared to third republic (1870-1939). Lost the most of lands Algerians after its new political program as an increasing number of immigrants ( Alsace – Lorraine) and is consider the beginning of phase of capitalist invasion and expand its bas in Algeria the importance of this subject in that , it confirm us the important position occupied by settlement policy of economic, so that the policy built other policies associated with them socially , culturally and intellectually it is inseparable from the ideological and political stricter because it is the bas of applied colonial project . Thus we find that the issue of agriculture represented the the lead in of the concerns of the military and men of politics , economy which helped in the basic exploitation , the same time show us the reality of social and economic changes which have led to bitter conflict between communities Algerian and French in one of the factors which is essence of this dispute. And it poses the same confusion about this policy ? What propos that I’ve found means based upon French to strengthen this policy and the door to capitalist invation ? To answer the problem , we decide to address our them according to a method ,we relied on display cases in the narrative template and sometimes on the discriptive approach to enable the reader to fellon the stages that supported by French policy in the agricultural sector and I’ve dealt with our topic from two angels :first: settlement policy which included the two models from settlement phenomen on French in Algeria . one official settlement which ensured by the government to transfer the settlers to Algeria and provide them with the necessary requirements for the survival and stability . Second : the settlement of free practice of the liberal party of settlers then we talked about the issue of immigration and settlement phenomena on relationship with the cofixation of agricultural lands and building settlement . on the other hand the real estate policy is include about 16 legislative text for ownership of lands . It show the scientific its role of the real estate legislative in Algeria in terms of their direct relationship of settlement agricultural lands the way in which the settlers managed to strip famers their lively hoods

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