
النصوص النوازلية مصدر لدراسة الأوقاف نوازل "المعيار" نموذجاً«إشكالات ومعطيات»

The topic that we propose to develop in this paper looks at the importance of ‘al ‘awqaf in the study of the text of ‘anawazil. This study is not only concerned with the importance of the contribution of ‘al ‘awqaf in the public life as well as the formation of images about the diverse negative issues that the waqf has contributed in reducing or eliminating but also, more importantly, with the role of the text of ‘anawazil in the elaboration of a glossary about the waqf and the development of the related terminology. The choice of the book entitled ‘al mi’yar to be a starting point and a framework for the development of this subject is mainly due to its importance, as it is one of the largest compilation about the subject matter. This book which contains, in its seventh part, 471 fetwa dedicated to the issues of ‘al waqf is the pole of the Maghreban selected works and the pivot in the domain of ‘enawazil, especially that it regroups within its folding many doctrinal texts.

تنزيل الملف

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البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)