
الكسابة: الوجه الآخر للعلاج النفسي الجماعي للاضطرابات النفسية للمرأة دراسة نفسية- أثنوغرافية تحليلية بمدينة مستغانم

Abstract: The aim of our research is to study the impact of 'el kessabah' as popular belief and practice purely feminine celebrated in early spring, especially in March 21 each and its influence on the psychological health of mostaganem’s women, To disclose the mysteries of these ritual practices, we adopted the approach ethnological 'which is based on the analysis and description of this phenomenon based on the descriptive method and using the following tools: Participatory observation,The Interview, photography and video and voice recording area on a sample that is : " any woman who is at the scene of the practice of 'el kessabah'" Successful we have the following results: 1. 'el kessabah' is one of the rites of luck for unmarried girls are whatever age. 2. 'El kessabah' is a special collective rite to / for women as symbols translate group therapy to reduce mental disorders that knows the unmarried girl suffering from anxiety due to the specificity of Mostaganem’s society in part ; and the other part as a cathartic method associated with purification rituals groupal to sublimate their stress by pleasure.

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