
الفكر الصوفي المسري وصراع مدرسة ألمرية مع السلطة السياسية في الأندلس والمغرب الأأوسط

Sufi thought of Ibn Massara and the conflict of the School of Elméria with political power of Andalusia and Maghrib al- awsat The mysticism in the Islamic Maghreb and Andalusia are among the most important religious practices that have emerged, and a group of scientists have been able to carry the ideas and doctrines made of Sufi thought evolve and prosper compared with the bright appearance Alasalama.an son of pleasure on the religious arena to create a kind of religious practice which was alien to the inhabitants of Andalusia and this is why the political power to prosecute the son of pleasure and try to eliminate the Sufi thought in the early days, and has shown that the first reference to the conflict between the mystical and political power. But after the passage of years could be thought of Ibn Massara find a group of scientists embraced and founded a school that mystical ideas published making authority is trying to suppress the school heads, were the beginnings to the apparent conflict were harsh consequences on both sides, but the cradle of that conflict to the spread of Sufism in Andalusia and Morocco East and the emergence of other scientists, such as Abu Madian ibn Shouaib and Ibn Arabi and who will be the focus in the deployment of Sufism.

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