
الفكر التربوي ببلاد المغرب: من محمد ابن سحنون وأبي الحسن القابسي إلى ابن خلدون

Muslim scholars cared for education and the educational process from beginning morever Kairouan scientists and Tunisia wrote so many of relevant literature, for example: "The Book of Etiquette teachers" Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Saeed bin Sahnoun (202- 256AH) and Book: "the detail message to conditions of educated conditions and teachers ,judges, learners," Abu Hassan Gabes (324- 403AH). The six of the «mokadima» of Ibn Khaldun (732- 808AH) about "Science, brands and the education and methods and other facets" (p.769-1169) Concerned as the most important books about science and teaching methods until in the period of Ibn Khaldun. The writings of Ibn Sahnoun and Gabésian reflect the first experiments was the primary direction not pass jurisprudence about learning, education has shaped thought Ibn khaldoun important quality of the development science, especially the appearance of schools and the development of the educational process. I'm going in this presentation reviewed the most important educational ideas of the three flags compared with each other and then I'll try to trace the development of the educational process and the tools and institutions of the second century of migration to the ninth century. Then I will conclude assessments Ibn Khaldun education in his time and in his previous periods.

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