
العناء:مؤشرات اقتصادية ودلالات اجتماعية نموذج إجراءات العناء بمدينة الجزائر وفحصها في العهد العثماني

As the most common type of waqf rental agreements in Algiers and its region during the Ottoman period, the ‘anâ’ was the dominant modality of waqf management. The organization and the management of the waqf foundations in Algiers and its exploration were widely based on the enforcement and the development of the ‘anâ’ procedures, which became the pivot of waqf reality in Algiers society during the Ottoman period with many direct and indirect effects on local life. The Algerian waqf documents of the Ottoman period give a detailed and precise picture of administrative procedures, economic operations and social conditions related to the ‘anâ’, and allow the researcher to conduct more thorough and exhaustive studies on the local society and to draw its economic and social portrait, by compiling and analyzing the qualitative and statistical data of the evolution of ‘anâ’ income and establishing data charts of the value of the ‘anâ’, waqf expenses and the many and various operations related to it. The data and transactions related to the ‘anâ’ are so many administrative procedures, economic indications and social indicators of the state of the local society and of important aspects of the everyday life and the social relationships on which the institutions of the waqf had a direct influence through their management of the income of khaïri and ahliwaqf properties, via the procedures of the ‘anâ’. The ‘anâ’, as a practical modality of waqf legal requirements, was, fot ottoman Algiers context, the most adapted response to fiqh rules aiming at the exploitation of waqf properties, the fair use of their income and their sustainability. At the same time, the ‘anâ’ was an adaptation of the waqf to the needs and conditions of the socioeconomic reality of the local society. This study highlights the multiple aspects that make the ‘anâ’ a valuable socioeconomic indicator for historical research.

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