
الضمانات القانونية لحرية تأسيس الأحزاب السياسية في الجزائر في ظل القانون العضوي رقم12-04

Algerian constitution devoted the freedom of political parties since political and economic openness in 1989, but the guarantees of its exercise differed between three texts. The law number 89-11 was liberal, it provided the most important guarantees for exercise of partisan freedom on substantive and procedural side; it subjected parties’ accreditation to prior declaration at interior ministry. These guarantees declined in the ordinance number 97-09; establishment of parties requires a set of restrictive substantive and formal conditions, that the most was restriction of ideological freedom, and subject political parties’ founding to prior authorization system. The organic law number 12-04, tried to strengthen partisan freedom by providing a set of guarantees however, it contains several restrictions may hinder partisan order evolution in Algeria, and weaken its effectiveness.

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