
الصحة النفسية و التوافق الدراسي لدى تلاميذ السنة أولى ثانوي

the present study, is interested in examining the psychological health and school adaptation at a sample of one-year secondary school pupils. In information has been taken from (800) mole and female students, ages ranged from 15-17 years, randomly chosen from governmental schools in Algeria. Tools used in this study were measure of psychological health scale, and schoolaire adaptation scale. The results obtained from the analysis data, revealed significant at the level of 0.05-0.01 in psychological health and schoolaire adaptation between the average of the two groups,. The work offers a wealth of illuminating information bringing to mind that any potential failure cannot be traced to a weak psychological and cognitive faculty, but rather to student to start out their psychological and cognitive force, their weak personal efforts and their bound feelings of an acquired failure

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