
الرعاية الإجتماعية للمعاقين بصريا مدرسة طه حسين لصغار المكفوفين "نموذجا

The study aims at addressing the significant segment of society in a category that the disabled, to stand close to the reality of social welfare for the disabled and visually in the school, Taha Hussein - the school you are teaching and education of young blind people. Comes the problem of persons with disabilities at the top of the concerns of all officials in the countries of the world where we find at the moment one of the most important social problems that are closely linked and essential development issues and problems of multiple, Algeria and one of the developing countries, which paid particular attention to this important sector of the community and being the case, the care Social Commission for this category right enshrined in the Constitution and all Algerian groups and other social groups, illustrated by illustrated by the laws of the Republic and state institutions in the field since the dawn of independence to this day

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