
الجامعة وصورتها في المجتمع ما مدى مساهمة الجامعة في ميلاد الوعي الاجتماعي؟

Abstract: The university is the integrated space that، despite its diversified disciplines، aims at one objective، which is tightly linked to the social life، and the measurement of its consciousness. Both of the university and society، invest in one another in relation to the duty and the aim: even from the side of language، both of them aim at the process of combining، which is a common point between the verbal image of both of them: University and Society. For this reason، the analogy between the triad “ education، scientific research and the social consciousness aims at combining these notions under one heading that communicates the same message، a humane message that hinges on the fact that education is a will to acquire knowledge and curricula instructed in a conscious way، a liberal way grounded on the views of the freedom in creating progarammes by the university stuff ; this means a freedom of pedagogical planning that meets the needs of a the soul of the society that interacts with the soul of the current world. This would permit the formation of free and constructive society (that starts، at least from the category of students); while the scientific research is epitomized in the privacy that the university gets from it، in relation to epistemological function. In other words، it is the one which evaluates the educational duty of the university as it launches a project of a society and perspectives in social consciousness which goes back to the university backgrounds، and therefore the social trait. Hence، on behalf of this triad، this paper aims at providing a vision about the complementary functions that should be created in relation to the university and society that are grounded on the previously mentioned triad. In other words، the study explores the link between two different institutions that aim at achieving a completion between knowledge- based grounds and the social ones، from a common engine that relates to combining consciousness of both the university and the society.

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