Accepted and Improper Behaviours in Child Socialisation:
Body Codes as a Case study
The paper aims at discussing issues related to socialisation and the
shaping of our behaviour, the way we are, and our thoughts. Since
the moment we are born, we are being moulded into the beings
the society wants us to be, and through socialisation we also learn
the difference between the "Accepted" and the "Improper"
conducts and behaviours for both gender.
This paper will focus on how parents and family transmit codes of
conducts, ideas, beliefs and values. Socialisation begins at home,
where parents have the opportunity to emphasize their most
deeply held values. From a very young age, children are exposed
to discourses about body, nudity, privacy, and specific gender
education about proper conduct. Parental responses to early infant
queries about their bodies are covered with untruthful
explanations. Parents, in their role as transmitters of values and
codes of the society, teach their children the behavioural relation
between the Body and the Accepted-Forbidden conducts. By
doing so, they transmit their own values without taking into
account the kids' needs for answers about the reasons behind the
codes of conduct and for understanding values of society.
سيظهر تعليقك على هذه الصفحة بعد موافقة المشرف.
هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
تاريخ الإضافة : 30/07/2021
مضاف من طرف : einstein
صاحب المقال : - فاطمة ميدان
المصدر : مجلة المواقف Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 393-408