
التحول الديمقراطي وتحديات العولمة

The democratic transformation and globalization challenges This study focuses on a number of entrances theory to the goals of globalization and relation democratization, as well as some practical aspects that relate to practices globalization and the nature of its role lowards the replacement of democracy in developing countries and its impact both positive and negative, where it was found through analysis that the negative aspects have overshadowed the positive aspects in this relationship. Concluded this study that the current international system, which imposed some sort of pattern is difficult for developing countries catch up or to control it or stand in the face of threats by the result of technical developments amazing tools of globalization, especially in the field of information as opposed to the lack of means, may impose upon the inevitability adapt to these developments imposed on them with the need to initiate reforms stems from its potential, in order to avoid any interference or concessions to the forces of foreign domination.

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