
البنية، المعنى، الإيديولوجيا البُنى الصّغرى والكبرى والعليا في أدب جبران خليل جبران (مقاربة عرفانيّة)

Based on cognitive perspective, this work investigates the relationship between schematic structure and meaning from one hand and its relationship with ideology from another hand. This research proved that structure is not a mere form for meaning but rather it is meaning itself in its ways of taking shape and unfolding. It is equally proved that structure and meaning can never detached from the cognizer. Such multidimensional cognizer is, first, an embodied entity. Through its corporeal presence, it represents and discerns the surrounding universe. Second, it is, also, a cultural entity that owns its particular vision of the existence through the historically already created worldviews. Besides, it is a social entity that understands the existence from its potion both in society and conflict. We have employed these theoretical parameters in our reading a hegemonic schematic structure in the literature of Jobran that is the “Schema of Power”. We analyzed the aspects and levels of its presence both in discourse and language of Jobran’s literature. Also, we identified its expression of Jobran’s understanding of the existence and the effects that contributed to the emergence of this schema in his literature.

تنزيل الملف

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البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)