
الاستثمار ودوره في التنمية المحلية دراسة قطاع الري لولاية - تيسمسيلت-

Abstract : This means the research paper examining the role of venture local development using annual data from an extended period 2003-2013 as investment is an element in the mold of the national economy due to the factors that influenced the determinants and most important , the interest rate , the change in income expectations , the level of profits , technological level . And as well as that of investment played a major role and importance in moving the economic activity , due to the investment strategy , which has the dimensions of the long-term , and his significance in the exploitation of important resources and energies available and re- accumulation , and highlights the importance , in the extent of his contribution in advancing local development according to the mechanics represented by the decentralization of management and public participation in the planning and monitoring , and this through the role that can be played in local development , and through this intervention has touched on the theoretical concepts of investment and its importance , and also dealt with the mechanics of achieving development Ornament n and through this intervention has touched on the theoretical concepts of investment and its importance , and also dealt with the mechanics of achieving local development , yet touched on the concept, and the role of decentralization and popular participation in it. To highlight this relationship and effective role in the development of local committees to study the practical focus on the irrigation sector as a model , and it turns out that the investments approved in this sector and especially in the state of Tissemsilt may have contributed to an acceptable degree to some extent in achieving local development in spite of some imperfections .

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