
الأزمة المالية المكسيكية 1995م والحلول المقترحة من طرف خوزيه إنجل جوري

I knew Mexico the years 1994 and 1995, a major financial crisis, and caused this crisis on the flow of stunning of capital abroad, and the speed of this flow exciting the attention and paved the collapse of the global financial system, has led to stir unrest in the stock markets and foreign exchange markets in the countries of Latin America, the largest size, which deteriorated as the currency markets and Asian stock at the beginning of 1997 and other Eastern European countries. The work of Jose Angel Gurria, José Angel Gurria - Minister of Finance and Public Credit in Mexico and head of the transitional government at the time - to take steps to identify and define the causes of the financial crisis and then work to neutralize in order to preserve what he called Gurria, "the speed of transit" achieved by the Mexican economy in 1999 , where for the first time in thirty years will not pass Mexico's economic crisis during the transition from government to the other, has the work of Jose Angel Gurria, to take the necessary measures in advance to avoid any future problems, where Mexico was much less likely to economic problems than previously because of the actions carried out.

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