
اثر استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني على التحصيل الدراسي في مادة العلوم الطبيعية ـ دراسة شبه تجريبية على عينة من تلاميذ السنة اولى متوسط

The present study aims to know the effect of using a strategy of cooperative learning on achievement in natural science with students the first year average compared to the usual way of teaching. Used in this study design similarities demo known design measurement tribal dimensional two groups, one officer, and another experimental study sample consisted of two sections of the first year average middle in school (bourgaa djalol) Municipal Brézina, State of El-Bayadh, a section into two groups: where such a sections of the experimental group and the number of his disciples (32) pupils, and like the other part of the control group and the number of his disciples (32) pupils. After the completion of the period of teaching, which lasted (4) weeks of study for each group at a rate of two servings every week, applied for the post test achievement test on the two groups. The results of testing the hypothesis of research and significant to differences between the mean scores of students at all levels and test grades as a whole in the pre and post tests when the experimental group for the post test. the results of testing the hypothesis of research shoud and significant to a differences between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and the control group students in post application of the test grades as a whole and at the following levels: memory, analysis, and that for the experimental group. The results of testing this hypothesis search the lack of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of students of the experimental group and the control group students in post application of the test grades at the level of understanding of the application level

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