
إشكالية التأصيل عبر الحدوث الشّعري لدى الأمير عبد القادر بين الاتصال والانقطاع

The present study deals with the initial stepping-stones of modern Algerian poetry installation through El Amir Abdelkader’s poetic collection. Based on historical inspiration, the poet’s productions are viewed as an extension to the traditional Arabic poetry. This collection belongs to a time era characterised by rhetoric deficiency according to some critics like Nacer STAMBOUL. The latter asserts that El Amir’s poetic presence is much more important than the absence of his poetry. The question raised is which position could be attributed to El Amir on the poetic ranking. Or, is his poetic making the result of his resistance against colonisation, then it reached its autonomy? From this examination, it becomes obvious that of El Amir’s poetry is affiliated to the early ages, while constitutes at the same time the inauguration of modern Algerian poetry.

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