
أولاد ميمون من فجر التاريخ إلى نهاية العهد الروماني

Ouled Mimoun(ALTAVA) From protohistory to the end of Roman Era Many are the monographic studies which were devoted for the ancient cities of the center and is Algerian, such as work of E.Masqueray on Rapidum(Sour Jouab),et that of R.Cagnat on Cuicul(J' mila), or A.Ballut on Timgad and Tebessa. But very little was done for the ancient cities the Algerian west which knew a spring not less considerable. A thing which motivated us dedicated a series of studies on this one, while starting with the Roman city of Altava which was one of principal the hearth of ancient civilization in Maurétanien west.

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(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)