
أحمد محساس ودروه في الحركة الوطنية والثورة التحريرية الجزائرية

We will try in this article to introduce a national figure who has been known by his revolutionary positions during the national movement and the Revolution. We will present Mahsas’ struggle life as a member of the Special Organization and also in the National Liberation Front. We will also see the different tasks he undertook in Libya and Tunisia especially his support to Ben Bella during his confrontation with the Coordinating and Implementation Committee and also his opposition to the Soummam Congress’ decisions. The “Mahsas’ issue” which is a try to overthrow the first official executive committee approved by the revolution Congress in the Soummam and the consequences and repercussions it had on the Revolution internally and externally. We tried to handle this issue and its problematic with a rigorous scientific objective methodology avoiding to emit prejudgments in this sensitive issue. We will rely on the issue’s key sources particularly the testimony of witnesses and archive documents and especially those reports from the Revolution period. We succeeded in untangling some of the signs of these thorny issues and clarify the visions around Mahsas’ positions and opinions towards the Revolution’s institutions.

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