
أثر العلاج بالقراءة في خفض قلق الامتحان وتحسين مستوى التوافق النفسي لدى الطلبة القلقين بسلطنة عمان

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a bibliotherapy program on reducing test anxiety and enhancing adjustment. To achieve this goal test anxiety and adjustment scales were applied. The study population consists of(186) students, then (120) students were chosen; those students got the highest grades on the test anxiety scale and the lowest grades on the adjustment scale. After that, the students were divided randomly into (4) groups. 2 experimental groups and 2 control groups, every group consists of (30) students, the experimental groups were trained on the bibliotherapy program; while the control groups did not receive any kind of treatment. The results of the (ANCOVA) and (Mann- Whitney) tests show that there are a significant effect of bibliotherapy program in alleviating test anxiety and enhancing the adjustment among experimental group at the level of (α=0.05)compared with the control group, at the post- test measurement. This means that there is a reduction in the level of the test anxiety and enhancement of adjustment among experimental group after one month of the pre-test. Discussion and recommendations were made.

تنزيل الملف

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